A flood is a general and temporary condition where two or more acres of normally dry land or two or more properties are inundated by water or mudflow. Many conditions can result in a flood: hurricanes, over topped levees, outdated or clogged drainage systems, and rapid accumulation of rainfall.
Water damage is devastating to a home and its contents. Homeowners insurance does not cover damage caused by flooding. This is important to know; most people don’t learn this until it’s too late. Flood losses, including flood-related erosion caused by waves or currents of water caused by a severe storm, flash flood, abnormal tide surge. Also includes damage caused by mudflows.
Always review your specific policy to determine what is covered. Flood insurance provides protection for destruction and financial devastation caused by floods. Although it may not seem like much even a few inches of water can cause serious damage. This canresult in thousands of dollars in repair and restoration costs.
Although it may not seem as necessary as homeowners insurance, you will need additional coverage to keep your home safe and your possessions secure with flood insurance. Flood insurance offers protection against losses that result from heavy and lengthy rain falls, storm surges, blocked storm drainage systems, snow melts, etc.
Regardless of where your property is located, we have the expertise to assist you with this most valuable coverage. So many property owners are not prepared for the severe financial damages they would suffer in the event of catastrophic flood. Some believe that their homeowners insurance will protect them, only discovering after the fact that there is no coverage. Others don’t think it will happen to them.
We can help protect your home and valuable assets with flood insurance. As independent agents we’ll shop the market for you to obtain a policy that’s affordable. We’ll also help you select the policy that’s right for you and for the area in which you live. It is crucial to review your flood insurance coverage annually as flood zone mappings change from year to year.
Making sure that coverage is not only in place but also correct is imperative in the event of a flood. Flood insurance applies to rising water not falling water, which is a common misconception. Did you know that most homeowners’ insurance policies do not cover floods? Contact us for more information at (303) 477-4343